var methodsb_config = { name: 'method_sidebar', nodes: [ ], onClick:function(event) { $.post( "/ffvm/source", { method:, class:w2ui.cls_sidebar.selected}) .done(function( data ) { editor.setValue(data); $('#src_hd').html( w2ui.cls_sidebar.selected+ ">>"+ ); //console.log(w2ui.right_layout.get('main')); /*$("#editor_header").html( "

"+ w2ui.cls_sidebar.selected+ ">>"+ "

" );*/ }); }, reload:function() { if(w2ui.cls_sidebar.selected) { $.post( "/ffvm/methods_of", { class:w2ui.cls_sidebar.selected}) .done(function( data ) { remove_all_nodes_of(w2ui.method_sidebar); $.each(data, function(idx,val) { w2ui.method_sidebar.add({id:val, text:val,icon: 'fa-cog'}); }); }); } }, save_method:function() { if(!w2ui.cls_sidebar.selected) return; //regular expression to detect method var reg = /^[\s\t\n\r]*((((\~\=)|(\/\/)|([\,\=\>\<\+\-\*\/])|(\>\=)|(\<\=)|(\=\=))[\s\t\n\r]*[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)|([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*(\:[\s\t\n\r]*[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[\s\t\n\r]+([\s\t\n]*[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*\:[\s\t\n\r]*[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[\s\t\n\r]+)*)?))[\s\t\n\r]*/;//has some bugs code = editor.getValue(); result = code.match(reg); var t,m,p; if(!result || result.length == 0 || !result[0]) w2alert('Invalid function definition'); else { t = result[0].trim(); if(/:/.test(t)) { m = ""; while((p = t.indexOf(":")) != -1) { m += t.substring(0,p).trim() + ":"; t = t.substring(p+1,t.length).trim(); if((p = t.indexOf(" ")) != -1) t = t.substring(p+1,t.length).trim(); //console.log('"'+t+'"'); } //console.log(m); } else { result = t.match(/((\~\=)|(\/\/)|([\,\=\>\<\+\-\*\/])|(\>\=)|(\<\=)|(\=\=))/); if(result && result.length > 0 && result[0]) m = result[0]; else m = t; } console.log(m); } //code = code.replace(/\'/g,"''"); if(w2ui.method_sidebar.find({id:m}).length == 0) { $.post( "/ffvm/new_method", { class:w2ui.cls_sidebar.selected, code:code}) .done(function( data ) { if(data.result) { methodsb_config.reload();; } else w2alert("Error: cannot save the method"); }); } else { $.post( "/ffvm/update_method", { class:w2ui.cls_sidebar.selected, code:code, method:m}) .done(function( data ) { if(data.result) { methodsb_config.reload();; } else w2alert("Error: cannot save the method"); }); } } } $().w2sidebar(methodsb_config);