var class_tpl = "Object addSubClass: #Foo instanceVariableNames: 'x y'"; function gen_editor_for(id,default_val) { return '
\n' + default_val + '
' +'' } var sclbrr_config = { name: 'cls_sidebar', nodes: [ ], onClick:function(event) { $.post( "/ffvm/classinfo", { class:}) .done(function( data ) { remove_all_nodes_of(w2ui.method_sidebar); remove_all_nodes_of(w2ui.iv_sidebar); //w2ui.method_sidebar.remove(w2ui.method_sidebar.nodes); //console.log(data); $.each(data[0], function(idx,val) { w2ui.method_sidebar.add({id:val, text:val,icon: 'fa-cog'}); }); $.each(data[1], function(idx,val) { w2ui.iv_sidebar.add({id:val, text:val,icon: 'fa-lock'}); }); }); // now get instance variables }, reload: function() { remove_all_nodes_of(w2ui.cls_sidebar); w2ui.cls_sidebar.add({id:'Object', text:'Object',icon: 'fa-sitemap',expanded: true}); $.getJSON( "/ffvm", function(data) { $.each(data.Object, function (index,value) { insert_item_to(w2ui.cls_sidebar,"Object",value); }); }); }, openClassEditor:function() { // create popup with editor var html = gen_editor_for('cls_editor',class_tpl); //console.log(html);{ title: 'Create new class', body:html , buttons: '', modal:true, opacity: 0, width:500, height:300, showMax: false }).unlockScreen(); }, newClass:function() { var cls,superClas; var code = cls_editor.getValue(); var tmp_arr = code.split("instanceVariableNames:"); if(tmp_arr.length != 2) { w2alert('Wrong code syntax!!!'); return; } tmp_arr = tmp_arr[0].split("addSubClass:"); if(tmp_arr.length != 2) { w2alert('Wrong code syntax!!!'); return; } cls = tmp_arr[1].replace("#","").trim(); superClas = tmp_arr[0].trim(); // check if super class exist if(w2ui.cls_sidebar.find({id:superClas}).length == 0) { w2alert('Superclass : ' + superClas + ' not found!!'); return; } if(w2ui.cls_sidebar.find({id:cls}).length != 0) { w2alert('Class : ' + cls + ' is already exist!!'); return; } // it's now safe to send the code to server $.post( "/ffvm/new_class", { class:cls, code:code}) .done(function( data ) { //console.log(data); if(data.result) { sclbrr_config.reload();; w2popup.close(); } }); } } function remove_all_nodes_of(sidebar) { var nd = []; for (var i in sidebar.nodes) nd.push(sidebar.nodes[i].id); sidebar.remove.apply(sidebar, nd); } function insert_item_to(el, id, obj) { switch($.type(obj)) { case "object": $.each(obj, function(key,val){ el.insert(id,null, [{id:key, text:key,icon: 'fa-sitemap'}]); insert_item_to(el,key,val); }); break; case "array": //console.log("ARRAY"); $.each(obj, function (idx,val) { insert_item_to(el,id,val); }) break; default: el.insert(id,null, [{id:obj, text:obj,icon: 'fa-th-list'}]); break; } } $().w2sidebar(sclbrr_config); w2ui.cls_sidebar.on('render', function (event) { sclbrr_config.reload(); });