#include "http_server.h" static pthread_mutex_t server_mux = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; config_t server_config; config_t* config() { return &server_config; } void destroy_config() { list_free(&(server_config.rules)); freedict(server_config.handlers); if(server_config.plugins_dir) free(server_config.plugins_dir); if(server_config.plugins_ext) free(server_config.plugins_ext); if(server_config.db_path) free(server_config.db_path); if(server_config.htdocs) free(server_config.htdocs); if(server_config.tmpdir) free(server_config.tmpdir); LOG("Unclosed connection: %d\n", server_config.connection); } static int config_handler(void* conf, const char* section, const char* name, const char* value) { config_t* pconfig = (config_t*)conf; //char * ppath = NULL; if (MATCH("SERVER", "port")) { pconfig->port = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH("SERVER", "plugins")) { pconfig->plugins_dir = strdup(value); } else if (MATCH("SERVER", "plugins_ext")) { pconfig->plugins_ext = strdup(value); } else if(MATCH("SERVER", "database")) { pconfig->db_path = strdup(value); } else if(MATCH("SERVER", "htdocs")) { pconfig->htdocs = strdup(value); } else if(MATCH("SERVER", "tmpdir")) { pconfig->tmpdir = strdup(value); } else if(MATCH("SERVER", "maxcon")) { pconfig->maxcon = atoi(value); } else if(MATCH("SERVER", "backlog")) { pconfig->backlog = atoi(value); } else if(MATCH("SERVER", "workers")) { pconfig->n_workers = atoi(value); } #ifdef USE_OPENSSL else if(MATCH("SERVER", "ssl.enable")) { pconfig->usessl = atoi(value); } else if(MATCH("SERVER", "ssl.cert")) { pconfig->sslcert = strdup(value); } else if(MATCH("SERVER", "ssl.key")) { pconfig->sslkey = strdup(value); } #endif else if (strcmp(section, "RULES") == 0) { list_put_s(&pconfig->rules, name); list_put_s(&pconfig->rules, value); } else if (strcmp(section, "FILEHANDLER") == 0) { dput( pconfig->handlers, name ,strdup(value)); } else if(strcmp(section,"AUTOSTART")==0){ // The server section must be added before the autostart section // auto start plugin plugin_load(value); } else { return 0; /* unknown section/name, error */ } return 1; } void init_file_system() { struct stat st; if (stat(server_config.plugins_dir, &st) == -1) mkdir(server_config.plugins_dir, 0755); if (stat(server_config.db_path, &st) == -1) mkdir(server_config.db_path, 0755); if (stat(server_config.htdocs, &st) == -1) mkdir(server_config.htdocs, 0755); if (stat(server_config.tmpdir, &st) == -1) mkdir(server_config.tmpdir, 0755); else { removeAll(server_config.tmpdir,0); } } void load_config(const char* file) { server_config.port = 8888; server_config.plugins_dir = "plugins/"; server_config.plugins_ext = ".dylib"; server_config.db_path = "databases/"; server_config.htdocs = "htdocs/"; server_config.tmpdir = "tmp/"; server_config.n_workers = 4; server_config.backlog = 100; server_config.rules = list_init(); server_config.handlers = dict(); server_config.maxcon = 1000; server_config.connection = 0; #ifdef USE_OPENSSL server_config.usessl = 0; server_config.sslcert = "cert.pem"; server_config.sslkey = "key.pem"; #endif if (ini_parse(file, config_handler, &server_config) < 0) { LOG("Can't load '%s'\n. Used defaut configuration", file); } else { LOG("Using configuration : %s\n", file); #ifdef USE_OPENSSL LOG("SSL enable %d\n", server_config.usessl); LOG("SSL cert %s\n", server_config.sslcert); LOG("SSL key %s\n", server_config.sslkey); #endif } init_file_system(); } void set_nonblock(int socket) { int flags; flags = fcntl(socket,F_GETFL,0); //assert(flags != -1); fcntl(socket, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); } void* accept_request(void* data) { int count; char buf[BUFFLEN]; char* token = NULL; char* line = NULL; antd_task_t* task; antd_request_t* rq = (antd_request_t*) data; task = antd_create_task(NULL,(void*)rq,NULL); task->priority++; server_config.connection++; fd_set read_flags; // first verify if the socket is ready antd_client_t* client = (antd_client_t*) rq->client; FD_ZERO(&read_flags); FD_SET(rq->client->sock, &read_flags); struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 500; // select int sel = select(client->sock+1, &read_flags, NULL, (fd_set*)0, &timeout); if(sel == -1) { unknow(rq->client); return task; } if(sel == 0 || !FD_ISSET(client->sock, &read_flags) ) { // retry it later server_config.connection--; task->handle = accept_request; return task; } count = read_buf(rq->client, buf, sizeof(buf)); //LOG("count is %d\n", count); line = buf; // get the method string token = strsep(&line," "); if(!line) { LOG("No method found\n"); unknow(rq->client); return task; } trim(token,' '); trim(line,' '); dput(rq->request, "METHOD", strdup(token)); // get the request token = strsep(&line, " "); if(!line) { LOG("No request found\n"); unknow(rq->client); return task; } trim(token,' '); trim(line,' '); trim(line, '\n'); trim(line, '\r'); dput(rq->request, "PROTOCOL", strdup(line)); dput(rq->request, "REQUEST_QUERY", strdup(token)); line = token; token = strsep(&line, "?"); dput(rq->request, "REQUEST_PATH", strdup(token)); // decode request // now return the task task->handle = decode_request_header; return task; } void* resolve_request(void* data) { struct stat st; char path[2*BUFFLEN]; antd_request_t* rq = (antd_request_t*) data; antd_task_t* task = antd_create_task(NULL,(void*)rq,NULL); task->priority++; char* url = (char*)dvalue(rq->request, "RESOURCE_PATH"); char* newurl = NULL; char* rqp = (char*)dvalue(rq->request, "REQUEST_PATH"); sprintf(path, server_config.htdocs); strcat(path, url); LOG("Path is : %s \n", path); //if (path[strlen(path) - 1] == '/') // strcat(path, "index.html"); if (stat(path, &st) == -1) { free(task); return execute_plugin(rq, rqp); } else { if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { strcat(path, "/index.html"); if(stat(path, &st) == -1) { association it; for_each_assoc(it, server_config.handlers) { newurl = __s("%s/index.%s", url, it->key); memset(path, 0, sizeof(path)); strcat(path, server_config.htdocs); strcat(path, newurl); if(stat(path, &st) != 0) { free(newurl); newurl = NULL; } else { break; } } if(!newurl) { notfound(rq->client); return task; } if(url) free(url); url = newurl; dput(rq->request, "RESOURCE_PATH", url); } } dput(rq->request, "ABS_RESOURCE_PATH", strdup(path)); // check if the mime is supported // if the mime is not supported // find an handler plugin to process it // if the plugin is not found, forbidden access to the file should be sent char* mime_type = mime(path); dput(rq->request, "RESOURCE_MIME", strdup(mime_type)); if(strcmp(mime_type,"application/octet-stream") == 0) { char * ex = ext(path); char* h = dvalue(server_config.handlers,ex); if(ex) free(ex); if(h) { sprintf(path,"/%s%s",h,url); LOG("WARNING::::Access octetstream via handler %s\n", path); //if(execute_plugin(client,buf,method,rq) < 0) // cannot_execute(client); free(task); return execute_plugin(rq, path); } else unknow(rq->client); } else { task->type = HEAVY; task->handle = serve_file; } return task; } } void* finish_request(void* data) { if(!data) return NULL; LOG("Close request\n"); antd_request_t* rq = (antd_request_t*)data; // free all other thing if(rq->request) { dictionary tmp = dvalue(rq->request, "COOKIE"); if(tmp) freedict(tmp); tmp = dvalue(rq->request, "REQUEST_HEADER"); if(tmp) freedict(tmp); tmp = dvalue(rq->request, "REQUEST_DATA"); if(tmp) freedict(tmp); dput(rq->request, "REQUEST_HEADER", NULL); dput(rq->request, "REQUEST_DATA", NULL); dput(rq->request, "COOKIE", NULL); freedict(rq->request); } antd_close(rq->client); free(rq); server_config.connection--; LOG("Remaining connection %d\n", server_config.connection); return NULL; } int rule_check(const char*k, const char* v, const char* host, const char* _url, const char* _query, char* buf) { // first perfom rule check on host, if not success, perform on url regmatch_t key_matches[10]; regmatch_t val_matches[2]; char* query = strdup(_query); char* url = strdup(_url); int ret; char* target; char* tmp, rep[10]; int idx = 0; memset(rep,0,10); // 1 group if(!host || !(ret = regex_match(k,host, 10, key_matches)) ) { target = url; ret = regex_match(k,url, 10, key_matches); } else target = host; if(!ret) { free(url); free(query); return 0; } tmp = (char*) v; char * search = "<([a-zA-Z0-9]+)>"; //printf("match again %s\n",tmp); while((ret = regex_match( search,tmp, 2, val_matches))) { memcpy(buf + idx, tmp, val_matches[1].rm_so - 1); idx += val_matches[1].rm_so - 1; memcpy(rep, tmp + val_matches[1].rm_so, val_matches[1].rm_eo - val_matches[1].rm_so); if(strcasecmp(rep,"url") == 0) { memcpy(buf+idx, url, strlen(url)); idx += strlen(url); } else if(strcasecmp(rep,"query") == 0) { memcpy(buf+idx, query, strlen(query)); idx += strlen(query); } else if(match_int(rep)) { int i = atoi(rep); memcpy(buf+idx, target + key_matches[i].rm_so, key_matches[i].rm_eo - key_matches[i].rm_so); idx += key_matches[i].rm_eo - key_matches[i].rm_so; } else { // just keep it memcpy(buf+idx, tmp + val_matches[1].rm_so-1, val_matches[1].rm_eo + 2 - val_matches[1].rm_so); idx+= val_matches[1].rm_eo + 2 - val_matches[1].rm_so; } tmp += val_matches[1].rm_eo + 1; //break; } // now modify the match 2 group if(idx > 0) { if(tmp) { // copy the remainning of tmp memcpy(buf+idx, tmp, strlen(tmp)); idx += strlen(tmp); } buf[idx] = '\0'; } free(url); free(query); return 1; } static void error_die(const char *sc) { perror(sc); exit(1); } void* serve_file(void* data) { antd_request_t* rq = (antd_request_t*) data; antd_task_t* task = antd_create_task(NULL,(void*)rq,NULL); task->priority++; char* path = (char*)dvalue(rq->request, "ABS_RESOURCE_PATH"); char* newurl = NULL; char* mime_type = (char*)dvalue(rq->request, "RESOURCE_MIME"); ctype(rq->client,mime_type); if(is_bin(path)) __fb(rq->client, path); else __f(rq->client, path); return task; } int startup(unsigned *port) { int httpd = 0; struct sockaddr_in name; httpd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (httpd == -1) error_die("socket"); memset(&name, 0, sizeof(name)); name.sin_family = AF_INET; name.sin_port = htons(*port); name.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); if (bind(httpd, (struct sockaddr *)&name, sizeof(name)) < 0) error_die("bind"); if (*port == 0) /* if dynamically allocating a port */ { socklen_t namelen = sizeof(name); if (getsockname(httpd, (struct sockaddr *)&name, &namelen) == -1) error_die("getsockname"); *port = ntohs(name.sin_port); } printf("back log is %d\n", server_config.backlog); if (listen(httpd, server_config.backlog) < 0) error_die("listen"); return(httpd); } char* apply_rules(const char* host, char*url) { association it; // rule check char* query_string = url; while ((*query_string != '?') && (*query_string != '\0')) query_string++; if (*query_string == '?') { *query_string = '\0'; query_string++; } //char* oldurl = strdup(url); int size = list_size(server_config.rules); for(int i = 0; i < size; i+= 2) { char *k, *v; k = list_at(server_config.rules, i)->value.s; v = list_at(server_config.rules, i+1)->value.s; // 1 group if(rule_check(k, v,host, url, query_string, url)){ query_string = url; while ((*query_string != '?') && (*query_string != '\0')) query_string++; if (*query_string == '?') { *query_string = '\0'; query_string++; } } } return strdup(query_string); } /** * Decode the HTTP request header */ void* decode_request_header(void* data) { antd_request_t* rq = (antd_request_t*) data; dictionary cookie = NULL; char* line; char * token; char* query = NULL; char* host = NULL; char buf[2*BUFFLEN]; char* url = (char*)dvalue(rq->request, "REQUEST_QUERY"); dictionary xheader = dict(); dictionary request = dict(); dput(rq->request,"REQUEST_HEADER",xheader); dput(rq->request,"REQUEST_DATA",request); // first real all header // this for check if web socket is enabled // ip address dput(xheader,"REMOTE_ADDR", (void*)strdup(((antd_client_t*)rq->client)->ip )); //while((line = read_line(client)) && strcmp("\r\n",line)) while((read_buf(rq->client,buf,sizeof(buf))) && strcmp("\r\n",buf)) { line = buf; trim(line, '\n'); trim(line, '\r'); token = strsep(&line,":"); trim(token,' '); trim(line,' '); if(token && line && strlen(line) > 0) dput(xheader,token,strdup(line)); if(token != NULL &&strcasecmp(token,"Cookie") == 0) { if(!cookie) cookie = decode_cookie(line); } else if(token != NULL && strcasecmp(token,"Host") == 0) { host = strdup(line); } } //if(line) free(line); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); strcat(buf,url); query = apply_rules(host, buf); dput(rq->request,"RESOURCE_PATH",strdup(buf)); if(query) { LOG("Query: %s\n", query); decode_url_request(query, request); free(query); } if(cookie) dput(rq->request,"COOKIE",cookie); if(host) free(host); // header ok, now checkmethod antd_task_t* task = antd_create_task(decode_request,(void*)rq, NULL); task->priority++; return task; } void* decode_request(void* data) { antd_request_t* rq = (antd_request_t*) data; dictionary request = dvalue(rq->request, "REQUEST_DATA"); dictionary headers = dvalue(rq->request, "REQUEST_HEADER"); int ws = 0; char*ws_key = NULL; char* method = NULL; char* tmp; antd_task_t* task = NULL; ws_key = (char*) dvalue(headers, "Sec-WebSocket-Key"); tmp = (char*)dvalue(headers, "Upgrade"); if(tmp && strcasecmp(tmp, "websocket") == 0) ws = 1; method = (char*) dvalue(rq->request, "METHOD"); task = antd_create_task(NULL,(void*)rq, NULL); task->priority++; if(strcmp(method,"GET") == 0 || strcmp(method,"PUT") == 0) { //if(ctype) free(ctype); if(ws && ws_key != NULL) { ws_confirm_request(rq->client, ws_key); free(ws_key); // insert wsocket flag to request // plugin should handle this ugraded connection // not the server dput(request,"__web_socket__",strdup("1")); } // resolve task task->handle = resolve_request; return task; } else if(strcmp(method,"POST") == 0) { task->handle = decode_post_request; task->type = HEAVY; return task; } else { unimplemented(rq->client); return task; } } void* decode_post_request(void* data) { antd_request_t* rq = (antd_request_t*) data; dictionary request = dvalue(rq->request, "REQUEST_DATA"); dictionary headers = dvalue(rq->request, "REQUEST_HEADER"); char* ctype = NULL; int clen = -1; char* tmp; antd_task_t* task = NULL; ctype = (char*) dvalue(headers, "Content-Type"); tmp = (char*)dvalue(headers, "Content-Length"); if(tmp) clen = atoi(tmp); task = antd_create_task(NULL,(void*)rq, NULL); task->priority++; if(ctype == NULL || clen == -1) { LOG("Bad request\n"); badrequest(rq->client); return task; } LOG("ContentType %s\n", ctype); // decide what to do with the data if(strstr(ctype,FORM_URL_ENCODE) > 0) { char* pquery = post_data_decode(rq->client,clen); decode_url_request(pquery, request); free(pquery); } else if(strstr(ctype,FORM_MULTI_PART)> 0) { //printf("Multi part form : %s\n", ctype); // TODO: split this to multiple task free(task); return decode_multi_part_request(rq,ctype,request); } else { char* pquery = post_data_decode(rq->client,clen); char* key = strstr(ctype,"/"); if(key) key++; else key = ctype; dput(request,key, strdup(pquery)); free(pquery); } task->handle = resolve_request; return task; } /** * Send header to the client to confirm * that the websocket is accepted by * our server */ void ws_confirm_request(void* client, const char* key) { char buf[256]; char rkey[128]; char sha_d[20]; char base64[64]; strcpy(rkey,key); strcat(rkey,WS_MAGIC_STRING); //printf("RESPONDKEY '%s'\n", rkey); #ifdef USE_OPENSSL SHA_CTX context; #else SHA1_CTX context; #endif SHA1_Init(&context); SHA1_Update(&context, rkey, strlen(rkey)); SHA1_Final(sha_d, &context); Base64encode(base64, sha_d, 20); //printf("Base 64 '%s'\n", base64); // send accept to client sprintf(buf, "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n"); antd_send(client, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "Upgrade: websocket\r\n"); antd_send(client, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "Connection: Upgrade\r\n"); antd_send(client, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: %s\r\n",base64); antd_send(client, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "\r\n"); antd_send(client, buf, strlen(buf)); LOG("%s\n", "Websocket is now enabled for plugin"); } /** * Decode the cookie header to a dictionary * @param client The client socket * @return The Dictionary socket or NULL */ dictionary decode_cookie(const char* line) { char *token,*token1; char *cpstr = strdup(line); char *orgcpy = cpstr; trim(cpstr,' '); trim(cpstr,'\n'); trim(cpstr,'\r'); dictionary dic = NULL; while((token = strsep(&cpstr,";"))) { trim(token,' '); token1 = strsep(&token,"="); if(token1 && token && strlen(token) > 0) { if(dic == NULL) dic = dict(); LOG("%s: %s\n", token1, token); dput(dic,token1,strdup(token)); } } free(orgcpy); return dic; } /** * Decode the multi-part form data from the POST request * If it is a file upload, copy the file to tmp dir */ void* decode_multi_part_request(void* data,const char* ctype, dictionary dic) { char * boundary; char * line; char * str_copy = strdup(ctype); char* orgcpy = str_copy; antd_request_t* rq = (antd_request_t*) data; antd_task_t* task = antd_create_task(NULL, (void*)rq, NULL); task->priority++; //dictionary dic = NULL; FILE *fp = NULL; boundary = strsep(&str_copy,"="); //discard first part boundary = str_copy; if(boundary && strlen(boundary)>0) { //dic = dict(); trim(boundary,' '); dput(rq->request, "MULTI_PART_BOUNDARY", strdup(boundary)); //find first boundary while((line = read_line(rq->client))&&strstr(line,boundary) <= 0) { if(line) free(line); } if(line) { task->handle = decode_multi_part_request_data; task->type = HEAVY; free(line); } } free(orgcpy); return task; } void* decode_multi_part_request_data(void* data) { // loop through each part separated by the boundary char* line; char* orgline; char* part_name = NULL; char* part_file = NULL; char* file_path; char buf[BUFFLEN]; char* field; //dictionary dic = NULL; FILE *fp = NULL; char* token, *keytoken, *valtoken; antd_request_t* rq = (antd_request_t*) data; antd_task_t* task = antd_create_task(NULL, (void*)rq, NULL); task->priority++; char* boundary = (char*)dvalue(rq->request, "MULTI_PART_BOUNDARY"); dictionary dic = (dictionary)dvalue(rq->request, "REQUEST_DATA"); char* boundend = __s("%s--",boundary); // search for content disposition: while((line = read_line(rq->client)) && strstr(line,"Content-Disposition:") <= 0) { free(line); line = NULL; } if(!line || strstr(line,"Content-Disposition:") <= 0) { if(line) free(line); free(boundend); return task; } orgline = line; // extract parameters from header while((token = strsep(&line,";"))) { keytoken = strsep(&token,"="); if(keytoken && strlen(keytoken)>0) { trim(keytoken,' '); valtoken = strsep(&token,"="); if(valtoken) { trim(valtoken,' '); trim(valtoken,'\n'); trim(valtoken,'\r'); trim(valtoken,'\"'); if(strcmp(keytoken,"name") == 0) { part_name = strdup(valtoken); } else if(strcmp(keytoken,"filename") == 0) { part_file = strdup(valtoken); } } } } free(orgline); line = NULL; // get the binary data if(part_name != NULL) { // go to the beginer of data bock while((line = read_line(rq->client)) && strcmp(line,"\r\n") != 0) { free(line); line = NULL; } if(line) { free(line); line = NULL; } if(part_file == NULL) { /** * This allow only 1024 bytes of data (max), * out of this range, the data is cut out. * Need an efficient way to handle this */ line = read_line(rq->client); trim(line,'\n'); trim(line,'\r'); trim(line,' '); dput(dic,part_name,line); // find the next boundary while((line = read_line(rq->client)) && strstr(line,boundary) <= 0) { free(line); line = NULL; } } else { file_path = __s("%s%s.%u",server_config.tmpdir,part_file,(unsigned)time(NULL)); fp=fopen(file_path, "wb"); if(fp) { int totalsize=0,len=0; //read until the next boundary while((len = read_buf(rq->client,buf,sizeof(buf))) > 0 && strstr(buf,boundary) <= 0) { fwrite(buf, len, 1, fp); totalsize += len; } //remove \r\n at the end fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); //fseek(fp,-2, SEEK_CUR); totalsize -= 2; ftruncate(fileno(fp),totalsize); fclose(fp); line = strdup(buf); field = __s("%s.file",part_name); dput(dic,field, strdup(part_file)); free(field); field = __s("%s.tmp",part_name); dput(dic,field,strdup(file_path)); free(field); field = __s("%s.size",part_name); dput(dic,field,__s("%d",totalsize)); free(field); field = __s("%s.ext",part_name); dput(dic,field,ext(part_file)); free(field); } else { LOG("Cannot wirte file to :%s\n", file_path ); } free(file_path); free(part_file); } free(part_name); } //printf("[Lines]:%s\n",line); // check if end of request if(line&&strstr(line,boundend)>0) { LOG("End request %s\n", boundend); task->handle = resolve_request; free(line); free(boundend); return task; } if(line && strstr(line,boundary) > 0) { // continue upload task->type = HEAVY; task->handle = decode_multi_part_request_data; } free(line); free(boundend); return task; } /** * Decode a query string (GET request or POST URL encoded) to * a dictionary of key-value * @param query : the query string * @return a dictionary of key-value */ void decode_url_request(const char* query, dictionary dic) { if(query == NULL) return; //str_copy = ; char* token; if(strlen(query) == 0) return; char* str_copy = strdup(query); char* org_copy = str_copy; //dictionary dic = dict(); while ((token = strsep(&str_copy, "&"))) { char* key; char* val = NULL; if(strlen(token)>0) { key = strsep(&token,"="); if(key && strlen(key)>0) { val = strsep(&token,"="); if(!val) val = ""; dput(dic,key,url_decode(val)); } } } free(org_copy); //return dic; } /** * Decode post query string to string */ char* post_data_decode(void* client,int len) { char *query = (char*) malloc((len+1)*sizeof(char)); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { antd_recv(client, (query+i), 1); } query[len]='\0'; //query = url_decode(query); //LOG("JSON Query %s\n", query); return query; } /** * Execute a plugin based on the http requeset * First decode the http request header to find the correct plugin * and the correct function on the plugin * Second, decode all parameters necessary of the request and pass it * to the callback function. * Execute the callback function if sucess * @param client soket client * @param path request path * @param method request method * @param query_string GET query string * @return -1 if failure * 1 if sucess */ void* execute_plugin(void* data, const char *path) { char pname[255]; char pfunc[255]; void* (*fn)(void*); struct plugin_entry *plugin ; int plen = strlen(path); char * rpath = (char*) malloc((plen+1)*sizeof(char)); char* orgs = rpath; char *error; memcpy(rpath,path+1,plen); rpath[plen] = '\0'; trim(rpath,'/'); char * delim = strchr(rpath,'/'); antd_request_t* rq = (antd_request_t*) data; antd_task_t* task = antd_create_task(NULL, (void*)rq, NULL); task->priority++; if(delim == NULL) { strcpy(pname,rpath); strcpy(pfunc,"default"); } else { int npos,fpos; npos = delim - rpath; fpos = strlen(rpath) - npos ; memcpy(pname,rpath,npos); pname[npos] = '\0'; memcpy(pfunc,rpath+npos+1,fpos); pfunc[fpos-1]='\0'; } LOG("Client %d\n",((antd_client_t*)rq->client)->sock ); LOG("Path : '%s'\n", rpath); LOG("Plugin name '%s'\n",pname); LOG("Query path. '%s'\n", pfunc); //LOG("query :%s\n", query_string); //load the plugin if((plugin = plugin_lookup(pname)) == NULL) { pthread_mutex_lock(&server_mux); plugin= plugin_load(pname); pthread_mutex_unlock(&server_mux); if( plugin == NULL) { if(orgs) free(orgs); unknow(rq->client); return task; } } // load the function fn = (void* (*)(void*))dlsym(plugin->handle, PLUGIN_HANDLER); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { if(orgs) free(orgs); LOG("Problem when finding %s method from %s : %s \n", PLUGIN_HANDLER, pname,error); unknow(rq->client); return task; } task->type = HEAVY; task->handle = fn; free(orgs); return task; } #ifdef USE_OPENSSL int usessl() { return server_config.usessl; } #endif