#include #include #include "plugin_manager.h" #include "lib/utils.h" #include "lib/handle.h" #include "http_server.h" static void unload_plugin_by_name(const char*); static void * plugin_from_file(char* name, dictionary_t conf); /** * Plugin table to store the loaded plugin */ static struct plugin_entry *plugin_table[HASHSIZE]; /** * Locate a plugin in the plugin table * @param s plugin name * @return a plugin entry in the plugin table */ struct plugin_entry *plugin_lookup(char *s) { struct plugin_entry *np; for (np = plugin_table[hash(s, HASHSIZE)]; np != NULL; np = np->next) if (strcmp(s, np->pname) == 0) return np; /* found */ return NULL; /* not found */ } int require_plugin(const char* name) { struct plugin_entry* ptr = plugin_load((char*)name, NULL); return ptr != NULL; } /** * Load a plugin to the plugin table * Only load when not available in the plugin table * @param name plugin name * @param config: plugin configuration * @return pointer to the loaded plugin */ struct plugin_entry *plugin_load(char *name, dictionary_t config) { char* pname = NULL; struct plugin_entry *np; unsigned hashval; if(config) { pname = dvalue(config, "name"); } if(!pname) { pname = name; } if ((np = plugin_lookup(name)) == NULL) { /* not found */ LOG("Loading plugin: %s -> %s", name, pname); np = (struct plugin_entry *) malloc(sizeof(*np)); if (np == NULL || name == NULL) { if(np) free(np); return NULL; } np->pname = strdup(name); if ((np->handle = plugin_from_file(pname,config)) == NULL) { if(np->pname) free(np->pname); if(np) free(np); return NULL; } hashval = hash(name,HASHSIZE); np->next = plugin_table[hashval]; plugin_table[hashval] = np; } else /* already there */ { LOG("The plugin %s id already loaded", name); } return np; } /** * Find a plugin in a file, and load it in to the plugin table * @param name Name of the plugin * @return */ static void * plugin_from_file(char* name, dictionary_t conf) { void *lib_handle; char* error; char* path = __s("%s/%s%s",config()->plugins_dir,name,config()->plugins_ext); void (*fn)(const char*, dictionary_t); lib_handle = dlopen(path, RTLD_LAZY); if (!lib_handle) { ERROR("Cannot load plugin '%s' : '%s'",name,dlerror()); if(path) free(path); return NULL; } // set database path fn = (void (*)(const char*, dictionary_t))dlsym(lib_handle, "__init_plugin__"); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) ERROR("Problem when finding plugin init function for %s : %s", name,error); else (*fn)(name, conf); if(path) free(path); return lib_handle; } void unload_plugin(struct plugin_entry* np) { char* error; void (*fn)() = NULL; // find and execute the exit function fn = (void(*)()) dlsym(np->handle, "__release__"); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { ERROR("Cant not release plugin %s : %s", np->pname,error); } if(fn) { (*fn)(); } dlclose(np->handle); //free((void *) np->handle); if(np->pname) free((void *) np->pname); } /* Unload a plugin by its name */ void unload_plugin_by_name(const char* name) { struct plugin_entry *np; int hasval = hash(name, HASHSIZE); np = plugin_table[hasval]; if(strcmp(np->pname,name) == 0) { unload_plugin(np); plugin_table[hasval] = np->next; } else { for (np = plugin_table[hasval] ; np != NULL; np = np->next) { if (np->next != NULL && strcmp(name, np->next->pname) == 0) { break; } } if(np == NULL) return; // the plugin is is not loaded unload_plugin(np->next); np->next = np->next->next; } } /** * Unload all the plugin loaded on the plugin table */ void unload_all_plugin() { LOG("Unload all plugins"); for(int i=0;inext; unload_plugin(curr); free(curr); } plugin_table[i] = NULL; } exit(0); }