#include "handle.h" #define HTML_TPL "%s


" static const char* S_100 = "Continue"; static const char* S_101 = "Switching Protocols"; static const char* S_102 = "Processing"; static const char* S_103 = "Early Hints"; static const char* S_200 = "OK"; static const char* S_201 = "Created"; static const char* S_202 = "Accepted"; static const char* S_203 = "Non-Authoritative Information"; static const char* S_204 = "No Content"; static const char* S_205 = "Reset Content"; static const char* S_206 = "Partial Content"; static const char* S_207 = "Multi-Status"; static const char* S_208 = "Already Reported"; static const char* S_226 = "IM Used"; static const char* S_300 = "Multiple Choices"; static const char* S_301 = "Moved Permanently"; static const char* S_302 = "Found"; static const char* S_303 = "See Other"; static const char* S_304 = "Not Modified"; static const char* S_305 = "Use Proxy"; static const char* S_306 = "Switch Proxy"; static const char* S_307 = "Temporary Redirect"; static const char* S_308 = "Permanent Redirect"; static const char* S_400 = "Bad Request"; static const char* S_401 = "Unauthorized"; static const char* S_402 = "Payment Required"; static const char* S_403 = "Forbidden"; static const char* S_404 = "Not Found"; static const char* S_405 = "Method Not Allowed"; static const char* S_406 = "Not Acceptable"; static const char* S_407 = "Proxy Authentication Required"; static const char* S_408 = "Request Timeout"; static const char* S_409 = "Conflict"; static const char* S_410 = "Gone"; static const char* S_411 = "Length Required"; static const char* S_412 = "Precondition Failed"; static const char* S_413 = "Payload Too Large"; static const char* S_414 = "URI Too Long"; static const char* S_415 = "Unsupported Media Type"; static const char* S_416 = "Range Not Satisfiable"; static const char* S_417 = "Expectation Failed"; static const char* S_421 = "Misdirected Request"; static const char* S_422 = "Unprocessable Entity"; static const char* S_423 = "Locked"; static const char* S_424 = "Failed Dependency"; static const char* S_425 = "Too Early"; static const char* S_426 = "Upgrade Required"; static const char* S_428 = "Precondition Required"; static const char* S_429 = "Too Many Requests"; static const char* S_431 = "Request Header Fields Too Large"; static const char* S_451 = "Unavailable For Legal Reasons"; static const char* S_500 = "Internal Server Error"; static const char* S_501 = "Not Implemented"; static const char* S_502 = "Bad Gateway"; static const char* S_503 = "Service Unavailable"; static const char* S_504 = "Gateway Timeout"; static const char* S_505 = "HTTP Version Not Supported"; static const char* S_506 = "Variant Also Negotiates"; static const char* S_507 = "Insufficient Storage"; static const char* S_508 = "Loop Detected"; static const char* S_510 = "Not Extended"; static const char* S_511 = "Network Authentication Required"; static const char* S_UNOF = "Unofficial Status"; int require_plugin(const char* name) { UNUSED(name); return 0; } int compressable(char* ctype) { UNUSED(ctype); return 0; } void htdocs(antd_request_t* rq, char* dest) { dictionary_t xheader = (dictionary_t)dvalue(rq->request, "REQUEST_HEADER"); char* www = (char*)dvalue(xheader, "SERVER_WWW_ROOT"); if(www) { strcpy(dest,www); } } void dbdir(char* dest) { UNUSED(dest); } void tmpdir(char* dest) { UNUSED(dest); } void plugindir(char* dest) { UNUSED(dest); } const char* get_status_str(int stat) { switch(stat) { case 100: return S_100; case 101: return S_101; case 102: return S_102; case 103: return S_103; case 200: return S_200; case 201: return S_201; case 202: return S_202; case 203: return S_203; case 204: return S_204; case 205: return S_205; case 206: return S_206; case 207: return S_207; case 208: return S_208; case 226: return S_226; case 300: return S_300; case 301: return S_301; case 302: return S_302; case 303: return S_303; case 304: return S_304; case 305: return S_305; case 306: return S_306; case 307: return S_307; case 308: return S_308; case 400: return S_400; case 401: return S_401; case 402: return S_402; case 403: return S_403; case 404: return S_404; case 405: return S_405; case 406: return S_406; case 407: return S_407; case 408: return S_408; case 409: return S_409; case 410: return S_410; case 411: return S_411; case 412: return S_412; case 413: return S_413; case 414: return S_414; case 415: return S_415; case 416: return S_416; case 417: return S_417; case 421: return S_421; case 422: return S_422; case 423: return S_423; case 424: return S_424; case 425: return S_425; case 426: return S_426; case 428: return S_428; case 429: return S_429; case 431: return S_431; case 451: return S_451; case 500: return S_500; case 501: return S_501; case 502: return S_502; case 503: return S_503; case 504: return S_504; case 505: return S_505; case 506: return S_506; case 507: return S_507; case 508: return S_508; case 510: return S_510; case 511: return S_511; default: return S_UNOF; } } void antd_send_header(void* cl, antd_response_header_t* res) { if(!res->header) res->header = dict(); antd_client_t* client = (antd_client_t*) cl; #ifdef USE_ZLIB antd_compress_t current_zlevel = client->z_level; char* str = dvalue(res->header,"Content-Encoding"); if(!str) { // check for compress str = dvalue(res->header,"Content-Type"); if(str) { if(compressable(str) && client->z_level != ANTD_CNONE) { client->zstream = (z_stream *) malloc(sizeof(z_stream)); if(client->zstream) { ((z_stream*)client->zstream)->zalloc = Z_NULL; ((z_stream*)client->zstream)->zfree = Z_NULL; ((z_stream*)client->zstream)->opaque = Z_NULL; if(client->z_level == ANTD_CGZ) { if(deflateInit2(client->zstream,Z_BEST_COMPRESSION,Z_DEFLATED,15 | 16, 8,Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY) != Z_OK) { ERROR("Cannot init gzip stream"); free(client->zstream); client->zstream = NULL; } else { client->status = Z_NO_FLUSH; dput(res->header,"Content-Encoding", strdup("gzip")); } } else { if(deflateInit(client->zstream, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION) != Z_OK) { ERROR("Cannot init deflate stream"); free(client->zstream); client->zstream = NULL; } else { client->status = Z_NO_FLUSH; dput(res->header,"Content-Encoding", strdup("deflate")); } } } } } } client->z_level = ANTD_CNONE; #endif dput(res->header,"Server", strdup(SERVER_NAME)); const char* stat_str = get_status_str(res->status); __t(client, "HTTP/1.1 %d %s", res->status, stat_str); chain_t it; for_each_assoc(it, res->header) { __t(client,"%s: %s", it->key, (const char*)it->value); } // send out cookie if(res->cookie) { item_t el; list_for_each(el, res->cookie) { if(el->type == LIST_TYPE_POINTER && el->value.ptr) { __t(client,"Set-Cookie: %s", (char*)el->value.ptr); } } list_free(&res->cookie); res->cookie = NULL; } __b(client, (unsigned char*)"\r\n", 2); #ifdef USE_ZLIB client->z_level = current_zlevel; #endif freedict(res->header); res->header = NULL; } /* void octstream(void* client, char* name) { set_status(client,200,"OK"); __t(client,"Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); __t(client,"Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"%s\"", name); response(client,""); //Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="fname.ext" }*/ int antd_send(void *src, const void* data_in, int len_in) { uint8_t* data = (uint8_t*)data_in; int len = len_in; antd_client_t * source = (antd_client_t *) src; #ifdef USE_ZLIB if(source->zstream && source->z_level != ANTD_CNONE) { antd_compress_t current_zlevel = source->z_level; source->z_level = ANTD_CNONE; uint8_t buf[BUFFLEN]; z_stream* zstream = (z_stream*) source->zstream; zstream->avail_in = (uInt)len; zstream->next_in = (Bytef *)data_in; len = 0; int have = 0; do { zstream->avail_out = BUFFLEN; zstream->next_out = buf; if(deflate(zstream, source->status) == Z_STREAM_ERROR) { source->z_level = current_zlevel; data = NULL; return -1; } else { have = BUFFLEN - zstream->avail_out; antd_send(source, buf, have); len += have; } } while(zstream->avail_out == 0); source->z_level = current_zlevel; return len; } #endif if(!src || !data) { return -1; } int written; char* ptr; int writelen = 0; int count; #ifdef USE_OPENSSL if(source->ssl) { //LOG("SSL WRITE\n"); //ret = SSL_write((SSL*) source->ssl, data, len); ptr = (char* )data; writelen = len > BUFFLEN?BUFFLEN:len; written = 0; fd_set fds; struct timeval timeout; while (writelen > 0) //source->attempt < MAX_ATTEMPT { // clear the error queue ERR_clear_error(); count = SSL_write (source->ssl, ptr+written, writelen); int err = SSL_get_error(source->ssl, count); if (count > 0) { written += count; writelen = (len - written) > BUFFLEN?BUFFLEN:(len-written); time(&source->last_io); } else { if(difftime( time(NULL), source->last_io) > MAX_IO_WAIT_TIME) { if(written == 0) written = count; break; } //printf(" received equal to or less than 0\n") switch (err) { case SSL_ERROR_NONE: { // no real error, just try again... //LOG("SSL_ERROR_NONE \n"); //source->attempt++; continue; } case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: { // peer disconnected... // ERROR("SSLWRITE: SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: peer disconected: %d", source->sock); break; } case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: { // no data available right now, wait a few seconds in case new data arrives... //printf("SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ\n"); int sock = SSL_get_rfd(source->ssl); FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(sock, &fds); timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 500; err = select(sock+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if (err == 0 || (err > 0 && FD_ISSET(sock, &fds))) { //source->attempt++; continue; // more data to read... } //ERROR("SSL WRITE: want read but select error on the socket %d: %s", source->sock, strerror(errno)); break; } case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: { // socket not writable right now, wait a few seconds and try again... //printf("SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE \n"); int sock = SSL_get_wfd(source->ssl); FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(sock, &fds); timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 500; err = select(sock+1, NULL, &fds, NULL, &timeout); if (err == 0 || (err > 0 && FD_ISSET(sock, &fds))) { //source->attempt++; continue; // can write more data now... } //ERROR("SSL WRITE: want write but select error on the socket %d: %s", source->sock, strerror(errno)); break; } default: { // other error //ERROR("SSL WRITE: Unknown error on %d: %s", source->sock, ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL) ); break; } } if(written == 0) written = count; break; } } //source->attempt = 0; } else { #endif ptr = (char* )data; writelen = len > BUFFLEN?BUFFLEN:len; written = 0; while (writelen > 0) { count = send(source->sock, ptr+written, writelen, 0); if (count > 0) { written += count; writelen = (len - written) > BUFFLEN?BUFFLEN:(len-written); time(&source->last_io); } else if(difftime( time(NULL), source->last_io) > MAX_IO_WAIT_TIME || (count == -1 && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)) { if(written == 0) written = count; //ERROR("Error while writing: %s", strerror(errno)); break; //return written; } } #ifdef USE_OPENSSL } #endif return written; } int antd_recv(void *src, void* data, int len) { if(!src) return -1; int read=0; char* ptr = NULL; int received=0; int readlen=0; antd_client_t * source = (antd_client_t *) src; #ifdef USE_OPENSSL if(source->ssl) { ptr = (char* )data; readlen = len > BUFFLEN?BUFFLEN:len; read = 0; fd_set fds; struct timeval timeout; while (readlen > 0 )//&& source->attempt < MAX_ATTEMPT { ERR_clear_error(); received = SSL_read (source->ssl, ptr+read, readlen); int err = SSL_get_error(source->ssl, received); if (received > 0) { read += received; readlen = (len - read) > BUFFLEN?BUFFLEN:(len-read); time(&source->last_io); } else { // Timeout, quit if(difftime( time(NULL), source->last_io) > MAX_IO_WAIT_TIME) { if(read == 0) read = received; break; } //printf(" received equal to or less than 0\n") switch (err) { case SSL_ERROR_NONE: { // no real error, just try again... //LOG("SSL_ERROR_NONE \n"); //source->attempt++; continue; } case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: { // peer disconnected... //ERROR("SSL READ: SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN, peer disconnected %d", source->sock); break; } case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: { // no data available right now, wait a few seconds in case new data arrives... //printf("SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ\n"); int sock = SSL_get_rfd(source->ssl); FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(sock, &fds); timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 500; err = select(sock+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if (err == 0 || (err > 0 && FD_ISSET(sock, &fds))) { //source->attempt++; continue; // more data to read... } //ERROR("SSL READ: want read but select error on the socket %d: %s", source->sock, strerror(errno)); break; } case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: { // socket not writable right now, wait a few seconds and try again... //printf("SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE \n"); int sock = SSL_get_wfd(source->ssl); FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(sock, &fds); timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 500; err = select(sock+1, NULL, &fds, NULL, &timeout); if (err == 0 || (err > 0 && FD_ISSET(sock, &fds))) { //source->attempt++; continue; // can write more data now... } //ERROR("SSL READ: want write but select error on the socket %d: %s", source->sock, strerror(errno)); break; } default: { // other error //ERROR("SSL READ: unkown error on %d: %s", source->sock, ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); break; } } if(read == 0) read = received; break; } } //source->attempt = 0; /* int stat, r, st; do{ ret = SSL_read((SSL*) source->ssl, data, len); stat = SSL_get_error((SSL*)source->ssl, r); } while(ret == -1 && ( stat == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ || stat == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE || stat == SSL_ERROR_NONE || (stat == SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL && r== 0 && !ERR_get_error()) )); if(ret == -1) { LOG("Problem reading %d %d %d\n", ret, stat, r); } //set_nonblock(source->sock); */ } else { #endif ptr = (char* )data; readlen = len > BUFFLEN?BUFFLEN:len; read = 0; while (readlen > 0 ) { received = recv(((int) source->sock), ptr+read, readlen, 0); //LOG("Read : %c\n", *ptr); if (received > 0) { read += received; readlen = (len - read) > BUFFLEN?BUFFLEN:(len-read); time(&source->last_io); //LOG("Read len is %d\n", readlen); } else if( difftime( time(NULL), source->last_io) > MAX_IO_WAIT_TIME || (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)) { //ERROR("Error while reading: %s", strerror(errno)); if(read ==0) read = received; break; } } //read = recv(((int) source->sock), data, len, 0); #ifdef USE_OPENSSL } #endif //LOG("Received %d bytes\n", read); /*if(ret == 0) { antd_close(src); }*/ return read; } void set_nonblock(int socket) { int flags; flags = fcntl(socket,F_GETFL,0); //assert(flags != -1); fcntl(socket, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); } /*void set_block() { int flags; flags = fcntl(socket,F_GETFL,0); //assert(flags != -1); fcntl(socket, F_SETFL, flags & (~O_NONBLOCK)); }*/ int antd_close(void* src) { if(!src) return -1; antd_client_t * source = (antd_client_t *) src; #ifdef USE_ZLIB //TODO: send finish data to the socket before quit if(source->zstream) { if(source->status == Z_NO_FLUSH && source->z_level != ANTD_CNONE) { source->status = Z_FINISH; antd_send(source, "", 0); } deflateEnd(source->zstream); free(source->zstream); source->zstream = NULL; source->z_level = ANTD_CNONE; } #endif #ifdef USE_OPENSSL if(source->ssl){ //printf("SSL:Shutdown ssl\n"); //SSL_shutdown((SSL*) source->ssl); SSL_set_shutdown((SSL*) source->ssl, SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN|SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN); //printf("SSL:Free ssl\n"); SSL_free((SSL*) source->ssl); //EVP_cleanup(); //ENGINE_cleanup(); CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data(); ERR_remove_state(0); ERR_free_strings(); source->ssl = NULL; //LOG("Freeing SSL\n"); } #endif //printf("Close sock %d\n", source->sock); int ret = close(source->sock); free(src); src = NULL; return ret; } int __t(void* client, const char* fstring,...) { int dlen; int st; va_list arguments; char * data; va_start( arguments, fstring); dlen = vsnprintf(0,0,fstring,arguments)+1; va_end(arguments); if ((data = (char*)malloc(dlen*sizeof(char))) != 0) { va_start(arguments, fstring); vsnprintf(data, dlen, fstring, arguments); va_end(arguments); st = __b(client, (const unsigned char*)data, strlen(data)); if(st) __b(client, (unsigned char*)"\r\n", 2); free(data); return st; } return 0; // } int __b(void* client, const unsigned char* data, int size) { int sent = 0; int buflen = 0; int nbytes = 0; char* ptr = (char*)data; /*if(size <= BUFFLEN) { nbytes = antd_send(client,data,size); return (nbytes==-1?0:1); } else {*/ while(sent < size) { if(size - sent > BUFFLEN) buflen = BUFFLEN; else buflen = size - sent; nbytes = antd_send(client,ptr,buflen); if(nbytes == -1) { return 0; } sent += buflen; ptr += buflen; } //} return 1; } int __f(void* client, const char* file) { unsigned char buffer[BUFFLEN]; FILE *ptr; ptr = fopen(file,"rb"); if(!ptr) { LOG("Cannot read : %s", file); return 0; } size_t size; while(!feof(ptr)) { size = fread(buffer,1,BUFFLEN,ptr); if(antd_send(client,buffer,size) == -1) return 0; } fclose(ptr); return 1; } int upload(const char* tmp, const char* path) { return !rename(tmp, path); } /* void set_cookie(void* client,const char* type, dictionary_t dic, const char* name) { set_status(client,200,"OK"); __t(client,"Content-Type: %s",type); chain_t assoc; for_each_assoc(assoc,dic){ __t(client,"Set-Cookie: %s=%s; Path=/%s",assoc->key, (char*)assoc->value, name); } response(client,""); } void clear_cookie(void* client, dictionary_t dic) { set_status(client,200,"OK"); __t(client,"Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); chain_t assoc; for_each_assoc(assoc,dic){ __t(client,"Set-Cookie: %s=%s;expires=%s",assoc->key, (char*)assoc->value, server_time()); } response(client,""); } */ void antd_error(void* client, int status, const char* msg) { antd_response_header_t rsh; rsh.header = dict(); rsh.cookie = NULL; const char* stat_str = get_status_str(status); rsh.status = status; char* ctype = "text/html; charset=utf-8"; dput(rsh.header, "Content-Type", strdup(ctype)); char * res_str = __s(HTML_TPL, stat_str, msg); int clen = 0; if(res_str) { clen = strlen(res_str); } char ibuf[20]; snprintf (ibuf, sizeof(ibuf), "%d",clen); #ifdef USE_ZLIB if(((antd_client_t*)client)->z_level == ANTD_CNONE || !compressable(ctype)) #endif dput(rsh.header, "Content-Length", strdup(ibuf)); antd_send_header(client, &rsh); if(res_str) { //printf("%s\n", res_str); __b(client, (unsigned char*)res_str, clen); //__t(client, HTML_TPL, stat_str, msg); free(res_str); } } int ws_enable(dictionary_t dic) { if(!dic) return 0; char*v = (char*)dvalue(dic, "__web_socket__"); if(!v) return 0; return atoi(v) == 1; } /** * Read the socket request in to a buffer or size * The data is read until the buffer is full or * there are a carrier return character * @param sock socket * @param buf buffer * @param size size of buffer * @return number of bytes read */ int read_buf(void* sock, char*buf,int size) { int i = 0; char c = '\0'; int n; while ((i < size - 1) && (c != '\n')) { n = antd_recv(sock, &c, 1); if (n > 0) { //LOG("Data : %c\n", c); buf[i] = c; i++; } else c = '\n'; } buf[i] = '\0'; return i; } /* We put it here since we want the plugin is able to destroy the request if it want to in this case, the plugin should return an empty with no data */ void destroy_request(void *data) { if (!data) return; antd_request_t *rq = (antd_request_t *)data; //LOG("Close request %d", rq->client->sock); // free all other thing if (rq->request) { dictionary_t tmp = dvalue(rq->request, "COOKIE"); if (tmp) freedict(tmp); tmp = dvalue(rq->request, "REQUEST_HEADER"); if (tmp) freedict(tmp); tmp = dvalue(rq->request, "REQUEST_DATA"); if (tmp) freedict(tmp); dput(rq->request, "REQUEST_HEADER", NULL); dput(rq->request, "REQUEST_DATA", NULL); dput(rq->request, "COOKIE", NULL); freedict(rq->request); } antd_close(rq->client); free(rq); }