#include #include #include #include "lib/ini.h" #include "lib/utils.h" #include "config.h" #include "plugin_manager.h" #define MATCH(s, n) strcmp(section, s) == 0 && strcmp(name, n) == 0 extern config_t g_server_config; // define all basic mime here static mime_t _mimes[] = { {"image/bmp", "bmp"}, {"image/jpeg", "jpg,jpeg"}, {"text/css", "css"}, {"text/markdown", "md"}, {"text/csv", "csv"}, {"application/pdf", "pdf"}, {"image/gif", "gif"}, {"text/html", "html"}, {"application/json", "json"}, {"application/javascript", "js"}, {"image/png", "png"}, {"text/plain", "txt"}, {"application/xhtml+xml", "xhtml"}, {"application/xml", "xml"}, {"image/svg+xml", "svg"}, {NULL, NULL}}; static void init_plugins() { chain_t it, it2; dictionary_t config; const char *value; for_each_assoc(it, g_server_config.plugins) { config = (dictionary_t)it->value; if (config) { for_each_assoc(it2, config) { LOG("Plugin %s: [%s] -> [%s]", it->key, it2->key, (char *)it2->value); if (strncmp(it2->key, "file_type", 9) == 0 && it2->value) { char *file_type = strdup((char *)it2->value); char *token; char *stringp = file_type; while ((token = strsep(&stringp, ","))) { trim(token, ' '); if (strlen(token) > 0) { dput(g_server_config.handlers, token, strdup((char *)it->key)); LOG("Plugin %s: support %s file", it->key, token); } } free(file_type); } } value = (char *)dvalue(config, "autoload"); if (value && (strncmp(value, "1", 1) == 0 || strncmp(value, "true", 3) == 0)) { // load the plugin LOG("Plugin %s: autoloading...", it->key); plugin_load(it->key, config); } } } } static int config_handler(void *conf, const char *section, const char *name, const char *value) { config_t *pconfig = (config_t *)conf; regmatch_t regex_matches[2]; char buf[255]; char *tmp; struct stat st; // trim(section, ' '); // trim(value,' '); // trim(name,' '); // char * ppath = NULL; if (MATCH("SERVER", "plugins")) { if (stat(value, &st) == -1) mkdirp(value, 0755); tmp = realpath(value, NULL); if (!tmp) { ERROR("Unable to query real path for %s: %s", value, strerror(errno)); } else { if (pconfig->plugins_dir) free(pconfig->plugins_dir); pconfig->plugins_dir = tmp; LOG("Plugin root is %s", pconfig->plugins_dir); } } else if (MATCH("SERVER", "plugins_ext")) { if (pconfig->plugins_ext) free(pconfig->plugins_ext); pconfig->plugins_ext = strdup(value); } else if (MATCH("SERVER", "database")) { if (stat(value, &st) == -1) mkdirp(value, 0700); tmp = realpath(value, NULL); if (!tmp) { ERROR("Unable to query real path for %s: %s", value, strerror(errno)); } else { if (pconfig->db_path) free(pconfig->db_path); pconfig->db_path = tmp; LOG("Database root is %s", pconfig->db_path); } } else if (MATCH("SERVER", "tmpdir")) { if (stat(value, &st) == -1) { mkdirp(value, 0755); } else { removeAll(value, 0); } tmp = realpath(value, NULL); if (!tmp) { ERROR("Unable to query real path for %s: %s", value, strerror(errno)); } else { if (pconfig->tmpdir) free(pconfig->tmpdir); pconfig->tmpdir = tmp; LOG("TMP root is %s", pconfig->tmpdir); } } else if (MATCH("SERVER", "statistic_fifo")) { if (pconfig->stat_fifo_path) free(pconfig->stat_fifo_path); pconfig->stat_fifo_path = strdup(value); } else if (MATCH("SERVER", "max_upload_size")) { pconfig->max_upload_size = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH("SERVER", "maxcon")) { pconfig->maxcon = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH("SERVER", "backlog")) { pconfig->backlog = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH("SERVER", "workers")) { pconfig->n_workers = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH("SERVER", "debug_enable")) { (void)setenv("ANTD_DEBUG", value, 1); pconfig->debug_enable = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH("SERVER", "scheduler_timeout")) { pconfig->scheduler_timeout = atoi(value); } #ifdef USE_ZLIB else if (MATCH("SERVER", "gzip_enable")) { pconfig->gzip_enable = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH("SERVER", "gzip_types")) { pconfig->gzip_types = split(value, ","); } #endif #ifdef USE_OPENSSL else if (MATCH("SERVER", "ssl.cert")) { if (pconfig->sslcert) free(pconfig->sslcert); pconfig->sslcert = strdup(value); } else if (MATCH("SERVER", "ssl.key")) { if (pconfig->sslkey) free(pconfig->sslkey); pconfig->sslkey = strdup(value); } else if (MATCH("SERVER", "ssl.cipher")) { if (pconfig->ssl_cipher) free(pconfig->ssl_cipher); pconfig->ssl_cipher = strdup(value); } #endif else if (strcmp(section, "MIMES") == 0) { dput(pconfig->mimes, name, strdup(value)); } else if (regex_match("PORT:\\s*([0-9]+)", section, 2, regex_matches)) { memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf)); memcpy(buf, section + regex_matches[1].rm_so, regex_matches[1].rm_eo - regex_matches[1].rm_so); port_config_t *p = dvalue(pconfig->ports, buf); if (!p) { p = (port_config_t *)malloc(sizeof(port_config_t)); p->htdocs = NULL; p->plugins = NULL; p->sock = -1; p->type = ANTD_PROTO_ALL; p->rules = dict_n(1); dput(pconfig->ports, buf, p); p->port = atoi(buf); } if (strcmp(name, "htdocs") == 0) { if (stat(value, &st) == -1) { mkdirp(value, 0755); } p->htdocs = realpath(value, NULL); if (!p->htdocs) { ERROR("Unable to query real path for %s: %s", value, strerror(errno)); p->htdocs = strdup(value); } else { LOG("Server root is %s", p->htdocs); } } else if (strcmp(name, "plugins") == 0) { p->plugins = strdup(value); } else if (strcmp(name, "ssl.enable") == 0) { p->usessl = atoi(value); if (p->usessl) pconfig->enable_ssl = 1; } else if (strcmp(name, "protocol") == 0) { if (strcmp(value, "ipv4") == 0) { p->type = ANTD_PROTO_IP_4; } else if (strcmp(value, "ipv6") == 0) { p->type = ANTD_PROTO_IP_6; } else { ERROR("Unknown IP protocol setting %s. Enable both.", value); } } else { // other thing should be rules dput(p->rules, name, strdup(value)); } } // plugin configuration else if (regex_match("PLUGIN:\\s*(.*)", section, 2, regex_matches)) { memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf)); memcpy(buf, section + regex_matches[1].rm_so, regex_matches[1].rm_eo - regex_matches[1].rm_so); dictionary_t p = dvalue(pconfig->plugins, buf); if (!p) { p = dict(); dput(pconfig->plugins, buf, p); } dput(p, name, strdup(value)); } else { return 0; /* unknown section/name, error */ } return 1; } void load_config(const char *file) { g_server_config.ports = dict(); g_server_config.plugins = dict(); g_server_config.plugins_dir = strdup("plugins/"); g_server_config.plugins_ext = strdup(".so"); g_server_config.db_path = strdup("databases/"); // g_server_config.htdocs = "htdocs/"; g_server_config.tmpdir = strdup("/tmp/"); g_server_config.stat_fifo_path = strdup(""); g_server_config.n_workers = 4; g_server_config.backlog = 1000; g_server_config.handlers = dict(); g_server_config.maxcon = 100; g_server_config.max_upload_size = 10000000; // 10Mb g_server_config.connection = 0; g_server_config.mimes = dict(); g_server_config.enable_ssl = 0; g_server_config.sslcert = strdup("cert.pem"); g_server_config.sslkey = strdup("key.pem"); g_server_config.ssl_cipher = NULL; g_server_config.gzip_enable = 0; g_server_config.gzip_types = NULL; g_server_config.debug_enable = 0; g_server_config.scheduler_timeout = 30; // 30 s // put it default mimes for (int i = 0; _mimes[i].type != NULL; i++) { dput(g_server_config.mimes, _mimes[i].type, strdup(_mimes[i].ext)); } if (ini_parse(file, config_handler, &g_server_config) < 0) { ERROR("Can't load '%s'. Used defaut configuration", file); } else { LOG("Using configuration : %s", file); #ifdef USE_OPENSSL LOG("SSL enable %d", g_server_config.enable_ssl); LOG("SSL cert %s", g_server_config.sslcert); LOG("SSL key %s", g_server_config.sslkey); /*if(!g_server_config.ssl_cipher) LOG("SSL Cipher suite: %s", "HIGH"); else LOG("SSL Cipher suite: %s", g_server_config.ssl_cipher);*/ #endif } LOG("%d mimes entries found", g_server_config.mimes->size); // Init plugins if necessary init_plugins(); } void destroy_config() { chain_t it; freedict(g_server_config.handlers); if (g_server_config.plugins_dir) free(g_server_config.plugins_dir); if (g_server_config.plugins_ext) free(g_server_config.plugins_ext); if (g_server_config.db_path) free(g_server_config.db_path); if (g_server_config.tmpdir) free(g_server_config.tmpdir); if (g_server_config.ssl_cipher) free(g_server_config.ssl_cipher); if (g_server_config.gzip_types) list_free(&g_server_config.gzip_types); if (g_server_config.mimes) freedict(g_server_config.mimes); if (g_server_config.stat_fifo_path) free(g_server_config.stat_fifo_path); if (g_server_config.plugins) { for_each_assoc(it, g_server_config.plugins) { freedict((dictionary_t)it->value); } freedict(g_server_config.plugins); } if (g_server_config.ports) { port_config_t *cnf; for_each_assoc(it, g_server_config.ports) { cnf = (port_config_t *)it->value; if (cnf != NULL) { if (cnf->htdocs != NULL) free(cnf->htdocs); if (cnf->plugins) free(cnf->plugins); if (cnf->sock > 0) { close(cnf->sock); } freedict(cnf->rules); } } freedict(g_server_config.ports); } LOG("Unclosed connection: %d", g_server_config.connection); }