#include "../plugin.h" void init(); call __init__ = init; void init() { printf("Finish init\n"); } void execute(int client,const char* method,dictionary rq) { /** * Set cookie to the browser */ char* c = server_time(); dictionary d = dict(); dput(d,"test",c); dput(d,"test1","This is another cookie"); set_cookie(client,d); LOG("%s",c); __t(client,"

Set the cookie

"); freedict(d); } void get(int client,const char* method,dictionary rq) { html(client); if(rq) { dictionary ck = (dictionary)dvalue(rq,"cookie"); if(ck) { association as; for_each_assoc(as, ck) { __t(client,"%s -> %s
",as->key, as->value); } } else __t(client,"noo cookie"); } else __t(client,"no request"); } void handler(int client, const char* method, const char* rqpth, dictionary rq) { if(EQU(rqpth,"default")) { execute(client,method,rq); } else if(EQU(rqpth,"get")) { get(client,method,rq); } else { unknow(client); } }