Class { #name : #DiyaLine, #superclass : #Diya2DPrimShape, #instVars : [ 'from', 'to' ], #category : #'Diya-Graphics' } { #category : #'instance creation' } DiyaLine class >> from: p1 to: p2 [ ^ self new from: p1; to: p2; yourself ] { #category : #'instance creation' } DiyaLine class >> from: p1 to: p2 shader:s [ ^ self new from: p1; to: p2; shader: s; yourself ] { #category : #'instance creation' } DiyaLine class >> points: points [ ^ self new points: points; yourself ] { #category : #initialization } DiyaLine >> draw [ OpenGL "enable: GL_LINE_SMOOTH; hint: GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT mode: GL_NICEST;" lineWidth: self border. super draw. OpenGL lineWidth: 1.0"; disable: GL_LINE_SMOOTH". ] { #category : #initialization } DiyaLine >> drawBorder [ "do nothing" ] { #category : #initialization } DiyaLine >> drawLines [ self shouldNotBeCalled ] { #category : #accessing } DiyaLine >> from [ ^ from ] { #category : #accessing } DiyaLine >> from: anObject [ from := anObject. dirty := true. ] { #category : #initialization } DiyaLine >> initialize [ super initialize. translation := nil. self from: 0@0. self to: 10@10. vbuffer := FFIExternalArray externalNewType: GLfloat size:8. vbuffer autoRelease. type := GL_LINES. style set: #border value: 0 ] { #category : #'as yet unclassified' } DiyaLine >> inner: aPoint [ ^false ] { #category : #accessing } DiyaLine >> to [ ^ to ] { #category : #accessing } DiyaLine >> to: anObject [ to := anObject. dirty := true. ] { #category : #accessing } DiyaLine >> update [ |extent| bbox := (Rectangle origin: from corner: to ). bbox origin = translation ifFalse:[self position: bbox origin]. from := from - bbox origin. to := to - bbox origin. extent := bbox extent. bbox := (Rectangle origin: 0@0 corner: extent ). { 0.0. 0.0. 0.0. 0.0. extent x. extent y. 0.0. 0.0. } doWithIndex: [:e :i| vbuffer at: i put: e]. ^true ]