Class { #name : #DiyaBoot, #superclass : #DiyaSingleton, #instVars : [ 'window', 'context', 'display', 'clock' ], #pools : [ 'OpenGLConstants', 'OpenGLTypes', 'SDL2Constants', 'SDL2Types' ], #category : #'Diya-Runtime' } { #category : #'class initialization' } DiyaBoot class >> initialize [ Smalltalk globals at: #DiyaDisplay put: nil ] { #category : #'instance creation' } DiyaBoot class >> maxFPS [ ^60 ] { #category : #'instance creation' } DiyaBoot class >> startUp: status [ self startx. ] { #category : #'instance creation' } DiyaBoot class >> startx [ self uniqueInstance run ] { #category : #events } DiyaBoot >> GLinit. [ OpenGL viewportX: 0 Y:0 W: display w H: display h. OpenGL enable: GL_TEXTURE_2D. ] { #category : #events } DiyaBoot >> createGLContext [ context := SDL2 glCreateContext: window. context ifNil: [ ^DiyaCoreAPIError signal: SDL2 getErrorMessage ]. ^context ] { #category : #events } DiyaBoot >> createWindow [ SDL2 glSetAttribute: SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS value: 1; glSetAttribute: SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES value: 2. OpenGL enable: GL_MULTISAMPLE. window := SDL2 createWindow: 'Diya' x: 0 y: 0 width: display w height: display h flags: SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN | SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL. window ifNil: [ ^DiyaCoreAPIError signal: SDL2 getErrorMessage ]. "handle fullscreen: SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN." "SDL2 glSetAttribute: SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK value: SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_ES. SDL2 glSetAttribute: SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION value: 2. SDL2 glSetAttribute: SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION value: 0. SDL2 glSetAttribute: SDL_GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL value: 1." "SDL2 glSetAttribute: SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER value: 1. SDL2 glSetAttribute: SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE value: 24." ^window ] { #category : #events } DiyaBoot >> init [ | status | SDL2 setHint: 'SDL_RENDER_DRIVER' value: 'opengles2'. status := SDL2 init: SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING. status = 0 ifFalse: [ ^ DiyaCoreAPIError signal: SDL2 getErrorMessage ]. display := SDL_DisplayMode externalNew autoRelease. SDL2 SDLGetCurrentDisplayMode: display from:0. SDL2 showCursor: 0. Smalltalk globals at: #Display ifAbsentPut:display. Smalltalk globals at: #DiyaDisplay put:display. DiyaSingleton resetAll. DiyaFontManager uniqueInstance loadFonts. ] { #category : #events } DiyaBoot >> initialize [ display := nil. window := nil. context := nil. clock := DiyaClock uniqueInstance. ] { #category : #events } DiyaBoot >> render [ |delta launcher| DiyaRendererContext uniqueInstance. launcher := DiyaApplicationLauncher uniqueInstance. launcher setup. self GLinit. [ launcher running ] whileTrue: [ delta := DiyaClock uniqueInstance delta asMilliSeconds. launcher delta: delta. DiyaClock uniqueInstance tick. launcher main. SDL2 glSwapWindow: window. delta := DiyaClock uniqueInstance delta asMilliSeconds. SDL2 delay: (0 max: (1000/ self class maxFPS) asInteger - delta). ]. ] { #category : #events } DiyaBoot >> run [ |envar arr| envar := Smalltalk getenv:'DIYA_RES'. arr := nil. envar ifNotNil: [ arr := (envar splitOn: 'x') collect: [ :e| e asInteger ] . arr size = 2 ifFalse:[ arr := nil. ] ]. arr ifNil: [ self init. self startx. ] ifNotNil: [ self run: (arr at:1) @ (arr at: 2) ] ] { #category : #running } DiyaBoot >> run: screenSize [ self run: screenSize app: nil ] { #category : #running } DiyaBoot >> run: screenSize app: application [ " this function should be used only in SDK environment, in real embeded system it is always the #run command that is executed automatically. " OpenGLTypes initialize. OpenGLConstants initialize. self init. display w: screenSize x. display h: screenSize y. self startx. self class reset. DiyaClock reset. DiyaRendererContext reset. Smalltalk garbageCollect. ] { #category : #logging } DiyaBoot >> showSystemInfo [ |stream numdriver rinfo| stream := (String new: 255) writeStream. stream nextPutAll:'System: '; nextPutAll:(Smalltalk globals at: #CODENAME ifAbsent:['']); nextPutAll: '-v'; nextPutAll:(Smalltalk globals at: #VERSION ifAbsent: ['']);cr. numdriver := SDL2 SDLGetNumVideoDrivers. stream nextPutAll: 'Supported video dirvers:'. 0 to: numdriver -1 do: [ :i | stream nextPutAll: (SDL2 SDLGetVideoDriver: i); nextPutAll: ' '. ]. stream cr. stream nextPutAll: 'Current selected video driver: '; nextPutAll:(SDL2 SDLGetCurrentVideoDriver);cr. numdriver := SDL2 SDLGetNumRenderDrivers. stream nextPutAll: 'SDL_RENDER_DRIVER available:'. rinfo := SDL_RendererInfo externalNew autoRelease. 0 to: numdriver - 1 do:[:i| SDL2 SDLGetRendererDriverInfo: rinfo from: i. stream nextPutAll: rinfo name readString; nextPutAll:' '. ]. stream cr. stream nextPutAll: DiyaDisplay asString; cr. stream cr. self stdout nextPutAll: stream contents ] { #category : #events } DiyaBoot >> startx [ display ifNil: [ ^DiyaCoreAPIError signal: 'Please run #init before this method' ]. self createWindow. self createGLContext. "SDL2 glMakeCurrent: window context: context." self showSystemInfo. DiyaRendererContext uniqueInstance display: display; window: window; useProjection: OrthoProjectionMatrix. self render. context delete. window destroy. DiyaSingleton resetAll. SDL2 quit. ]