mirror of https://github.com/lxsang/Diya-API.git synced 2024-12-26 19:38:22 +01:00

code refactory on rendering context

This commit is contained in:
Dany LE 2022-08-13 23:48:23 +02:00
parent c1f2de2896
commit c7af75550f
4 changed files with 14 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -32,14 +32,11 @@ Diya2DPrimShape >> draw [
context texture0 setImage2D: self texture.
context texture0 active.
context vao enableAttribute: 0.
OpenGLVertexArray vertexAttributePointerIndex: 0 size:4 type: GL_FLOAT normalized: GL_FALSE stride: 16 pointer: nil.
context vbo data: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER data: vbuffer usage: GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW.
OpenGL drawArrays: type first:0 count:((vbuffer size )>> 2 ).
"reset value"
self texture ifNotNil: [self texture drop.].
self borderWidth > 0 ifTrue: [ self drawBorder ].
context vao disableAttribute: 0.
disable: GL_CULL_FACE;
disable: GL_BLEND.

View File

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ DiyaRendererContext >> assets: anObject [
{ #category : #accessing }
DiyaRendererContext >> destroy [
vao disableAttribute: 0.
vao delete.
vbo delete.
texture0 delete.
@ -66,6 +67,8 @@ DiyaRendererContext >> initialize [
vbo bind: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER.
projection := Array2D identity: 4.
assets := AssetManager new.
vao enableAttribute: 0.
OpenGLVertexArray vertexAttributePointerIndex: 0 size:4 type: GL_FLOAT normalized: GL_FALSE stride: 16 pointer: nil.
{ #category : #accessing }

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ DiyaRootNode >> draw [
c := self ? #bgColor.
OpenGL clearColorR: c red G: c green B: c blue A: c alpha.
context vbo bind: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER.
"context vbo bind: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER."
{ #category : #'add/remove' }

View File

@ -51,24 +51,24 @@ OpenGLVertexBuffer class >> subData:target offset: offset size: size data: data
^self ffiCall: #(void glBufferSubData(GLenum target,GLintptr offset,GLsizeiptr size,const void * data))
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
{ #category : #initialization }
OpenGLVertexBuffer >> bind: target [
^OpenGLVertexBuffer bind:target buffer: self vertexBufferID
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
{ #category : #'accessing - data' }
OpenGLVertexBuffer >> data:target data: data size: size usage: usage [
self bind: target.
"self bind: target."
^OpenGLVertexBuffer bufferData: target size: size data:(data ifNil:[data] ifNotNil: [data getHandle]) usage: usage
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
{ #category : #'accessing - data' }
OpenGLVertexBuffer >> data:target data: data usage: usage [
self bind: target.
"self bind: target."
^OpenGLVertexBuffer bufferData: target size: (data size) << 2 data:data getHandle usage: usage
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
{ #category : #'add/remove' }
OpenGLVertexBuffer >> delete [
OpenGLVertexBuffer deleteBuffersSize: 1 buffers: vertexBufferID getHandle.
@ -81,15 +81,15 @@ OpenGLVertexBuffer >> initialize [
OpenGLVertexBuffer genVertexBuffersSize: 1 buffers: vertexBufferID getHandle
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
{ #category : #'accessing - data' }
OpenGLVertexBuffer >> subData:target offset: offset data:data [
self bind: target.
"self bind: target."
^OpenGLVertexBuffer subData: target offset: offset size: (data size) << 2 data: data getHandle
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
{ #category : #'accessing - data' }
OpenGLVertexBuffer >> subData:target offset: offset data:data size: size [
self bind: target.
"self bind: target."
^OpenGLVertexBuffer subData: target offset: offset size: size data: data getHandle